

The Silver Bullet: Chapter Eleven "Vengeance not Justice"
As daylight began to break I could hear Digger grunting and fussing to himself.

As he was digging a hole in the ground to be my grave.

High up in the oak tree I could see Digger on the other side of the hill.

Digger had already figured the perfect place to bury my remains.

The only thing I hadn't figured out?

Was how was Digger going to react when he realizes that the Grim Reaper did not pay me a visit last night.

I knew escaping Digger's eyesight of me wouldn't be that difficult.

At least I thought so!

After all Digger was too busy fussing with himself digging my grave.

My concern was, once Digger didn't find my dead body near the oak tree, not only would he know, I wasn't dead. Bill and LeRoy would also know it.

The prospects of being on the run as a hunted man for the rest of my life started to become very real to me.

I just couldn't understand why so many dam people that didn't even know wanted to kill me ?

Just for visiting the grave of a dead man.
It just seemed bizarre to me.

Yet here I was, not knowing, who, or how many, it was, that wanted to kill me.

All for visiting the grave of a dead man.

After watching Digger, dig me a fine looking grave I slowly began climbing down from the tree.

I had gotten half way down when I heard
Digger yell up at me.

"I was wondering how long you were going to stay up there?"

Holding on to one of the branches and getting myself a look at Digger I said

" Digger how long have you known, I been up in this tree?"

"When I woke up this morning and I didn't smell ya I knew you were alive"

"Smell me? How did ya know I was alive when you couldn't smell me?"

" Sam, when you're around death as much as I am you learn a lot. When a man has been dead for the night he don't exactly smell like a bouquet of lilies and pink carnations.
Enough with this talking.
Come on down from that tree. Let's get some lunch"

I quickly hurried myself down the tree. I was plenty hungry I was ready to get me some lunch.

I also wanted to know why Digger hadn't told Bill or LeRoy I wasn't dead ?

As I started to eat some fried chicken and potatoes that Digger had cooked.

There was one thing that seemed pretty odd to me from my point of view that I finally had to ask Digger about it?

"Digger , did you say you knew I was still alive when you woke up this morning?"

" That's right, I knew it"

"Then why in tarnation was you digging a grave for me?"

" To keep you alive Sam!
If Bill and LeRoy know you're still alive.
They will hunt you down and kill you.
You see Sam, when Bill and LeRoy see your grave.
They won't go looking for you anymore"

" Digger, that's all fine for a man who wants to live in a cave and stay in hiding the rest of his life."

I then took a breath of air and got me a little bit of water.

"Digger you know as soon as someone sees me.
I am always going to be asking myself does that person want to kill me?
I am going to be spending the rest of my life on the run"

" You will be Sam, until you find justice for yourself and for others"

Having no idea what Digger was talking about
In pure frustration I blurted out to Digger

"How the hell am I suppose to do that?
I barely know how to ride a horse.
I have never shot a gun a day in my life and what do I know about bringing anyone to justice ?"

Digger looked at me took sip of coffee and motion for me to come over to the grave

"Sam , I been told this is why you came to Texas to visit this grave"

"Yes, It's the only reason I am here"

"Sam, do you honestly think that's the only reason you're here?"

"Is there another Digger?"

"Sam, do you have any idea who is in this grave?"

"Digger, I have no idea. I don't know who it is?

"Sam, before I tell you who is in this grave.
Let me ask you, do you believe that evil men need to pay for their sins?
That those who profited and benefitted from their evil should be made to pay?"

"I believe that!
Who doesn't believe that!"

"Sam, the person who is in this grave not only believe it.
He lived it until the day he was shot and murdered.
By the very people who call themselves law abiding citizens, by those who wear the badge and by those who run our institutions.
Sam! the man in this grave is your great grandfather.
You are here to advenge his death and bring vengeance not justice on the Evil

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