

When you realise a person's worth when they're gone (2/3)
He also had thought of extending the hand of friendship towards him the next day, But when he didn't saw Ayno the next morning, he asked his fellow classmates about him and got to know that he left the school.
Jaehyun's heart broke. He was feeling really guilty for his mistake. Jaehyun has realised the worth of Ayno, when he was gone.

Time skip after 2 years

Jaehyun stopped bullying and become a good student. Even teachers were in love with his performance during classes, and the whole school was really impressed by him. He really did changed himself, but he was still missing Ayno.
After few months, he got transferred to a university.
Jaehyun was new in the university so obviously he wasn't knowing anyone there.When he went to the class, the teacher introduced him and said, "Go to the third bench and sit beside that guy" He quietly went there and greeted him with a Good morning. That guy greeted him back. After hearing his voice, he thought that it's familiar voice he had heard earlier and when he looked towards the guy, he found out that he is none other than Ayno.
Jaehyun's eyes became teary and he quickly hugged Ayno,which made Ayno shocked at his sudden action but later he hugged him back.
To be continued........

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