

Mr Chatterjee
Write a short story that uses at least two of the given situations:
1. An old, locked box in the attic.
2. A winding staircase that goes nowhere.
3. A broken mirror.
4. An old desk with a locked drawer.

Mr Chatterjee whistled to his dog Whiskey, it was time to head back home.
"Come buddy, it's time"
His white bricked house with a red gate had white and pink flowers of Madhumalti (climber) hanging over them. Every time anyone opened the gates, the flowers would sprinkle on anyone who walks through them. It was right next to a State bank building and a jewellery store. The hustle-bustle of the street kept things interesting but he often craved peace, one of the reasons for his frequent hikes.
"When will you get your provident fund money?" His nephew Pranav asked him in the evening.
What a pity! Earlier no one cared and now they were treating him to all his favourite menus in the dinner when most of his teeth had gotten loose.
"No...no..take this away I will have my regular porridge," he said to his nephew's wife Pramita.
Mr Chatterjee knew that retirement meant changes in his life but the change in the attitude of people around him was too much.
"It was transferred to my account yesterday" He had answered Pranav's question after dinner nonchalantly, but was watching his expressions very closely.
Only creature happy with his presence in the house was his dog. His dog could sense he was feeling down for a few days so she kept snuggling up to him. Running along her helped too. Adrenaline rush would decrease his depressed mood. If only people could be like that. He often wondered. Comforting and healing each other.
That night Pranav could hardly sleep. The only thought running on a loop in his mind was that of those 30 lakh rupees Mr Chatterjee was supposed to get. Oh how that money can be spent he would keep 10 lakh aside for the future, 10 he would invest in a scheme and rest he would use for expanding his shop. Tossing and turning he threw his duvet and whispered to his wife.
"Try using that sweet honeyed tones of yours that makes men go weak in knees, to make the old man spew us all his money tomorrow."
The husband-wife duo tried every trick they could think of but failed to get the man to disclose where he invested his money.
"Knowing Uncle he must have invested it in the bank. "
"But we are his only living relatives, so he has to give it to us sooner or later."
"I inquired with the state bank manager Saran, as he is friends with him. He told me Uncle had made some Fixed Deposit's recently"
Inside of all the closets, drawers even below the mattresses of his bed and all the things where he could hide them, they had overturned and searched for the next few days, but the FD's couldn't be found.
"This man is much tougher than I thought " Pramita grumbled
"We have to think of something else? but what I can't think of anything."
"I have an idea let's call Sapna"
"Sapna Who? The con artist ?"
"Yeah she would be perfect for the role of our dear Aunt late Mrs Chatterjee"
That evening, Sapna hid in Mr Chatterjee's room in his closet, when he went for his evening jaunt.
And when the clock struck 12 she appeared in front of him all decked up like Mrs Chatterjee. Walking slowly up to him her demeanour all changed. She kept her face in shadows walked slowly in front of him.
"Honey..." She whispered
"Sudha...Is it you...? " Mr Chatterjee cried
She slowly nodded and touched his hand very briefly.
"Where are my spectacles?" His hand struck against the glass and as it slipped with noise, she disappeared.
And thus began nightly visits of Sapna in the guise of Mrs Sudha Chatterjee.
"It's been a week...Did you find out anything about the Fixed Deposits"
"Give me one more day and I will find something concrete."
That night Sapna held his hand slowly, rubbing her other hand on his thighs massaging it.
Her act worked to some extent. Mr Chatterjee mentioned his life savings in his study table before falling due to a heart attack.
Pranav and Pramita who were hidden behind the door immediately went to his study and begin to search his old desk but it was secured.
They tried but the lock won't budge. The locksmith was called finally the desk was opened after much effort, But much to their surprise it was empty. In there despair, they didn't notice all the drawer handles of the desk that glittered like Gold. The corpse lying in the next room still had that smirk stuck on his face.

© Gary