

How to develop personality?
Personality and development have two different perspectives. Let you clear them first to know their joint impact on our lives. Once you gain a clear perception in this context, success in personality development will be yours.

Growth is a natural process and is quantitative in nature but development is unnatural, which seeks attention, time, money as well as effort to attain and improves the quality of life. The outcome of development is Freedom.

On the other hand, the way you react to the environment is your personality. To mold your personality as per your goal in life, you may have to go through a transformation process of thoughts and behavior, which will improve the quality of your thoughts and actions.

It's not an exaggeration that personality development is a continuous process. To live a quality life, you may have to transform your thoughts and habits as per the goal you set in your life.

Last but not least, it can be said that, when you will have a visible goal, you be be capable of setting your role and thus you will find a reason and direction of developing your personality.

So, let your goal in life be clear before attempting a change for personality development. Your goal sets your best role. Don't allow your role to set your goal.
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