

Days Before ...
A energitic, blessed, highly diverse individual woke up one day feeling out of the ordinary. Although this state of being wasn't trully unusual, it felt as it something was a midst in the forces of nature. According to the special person we are speaking of. He came from a modest upbringing with a diligent mother who made sure his whims were at least garnished with a no before he wondered off and obtained what he wanted for himself. He also had two twin sisters who grew up recieving all their wishes could encompass. Which wasn't a surprise to him because Bernard was a slick tounge devil they would call him; it turns out he was an angel in disguise. He was blessed with knowledge from none planetary beings who orbited the globe in cloacks of space. Who according to him "stretched as far as contries across the sky".Wwhy was he the only one to lay eyes on these energies? Did he hallucinate? Was he even telling the truth about the ordeal? All these factors combined raised eyebrows and hairs because he told the story with so much conviction.

To Be Continued ...

Part #2

© Johnny Bernard Thomas III