

Subject AAB
I stared at the letters tattooed into my right forearm. I had no memory how I had got it or why I was in a hospital gown or why I was floating at the edge of a muddy, river bank. I had absolutely no memory of who I was . The tattoo in my arm is my only clue , I hardly reached the floating rope connected fence that five feet away fr me and gripped it tightly and forced to climb to the ground. My head hurts and my vision is blurred and suddenly I lost consciousness. I woke up wearing someone else clothes , I was surrounded by dolls stuffed toys dolls , seems like a girls room painted by magenta color . "I'm glad you're awake " the old lady wearing a blue blouse with grey and bun hair holding a tray with chicken soup and water . "What's your name ?" said she , I hissed as I touched my head " I don't know " , I found you laying unconscious beside the fence at river bank" she smiled warmly with a pity in her eyes . " I'll be going " I said" , "but where?, you should eat your food first" I can't answer her because I don't know where either . I pressed my lips in thin line and nod " Don't try to go back there ." I arched my right eyebrow and straightly looked at her " you know where I came from ? " she sigh and walked towards the window and looked through the outside . "I'm glad that you escaped that he'll , I won't go back there if I were you " , I frowned and calmly say "I'm sorry but could you please get to the point and tell me why ? " I said in a calm voice "I can't tell you now , don't ask why and eat your food I'll go first "she closed the door as she walked out. Im alone again I can't ease my mind what does she mean ? it seems like she knows something , I slowly ate the chicken soup and drink some water then sigh . After eating I peek through the window I could see that there were people coming in the direction of the house where I was , they were wearing white clothes . I was startled when the door suddenly opened " hide under the bed " the old lady said with worries in her voice , I followed what she had told me and then I heared a knock from the door outside . " Where is he ?" the low cold voice of man said , " what are you talking about sir ?" said the old lady "the man wearing a hospital gown went here " , " sorry but I don't know what you're talking abo--" the sentence was cut off.
I suddenly heared a loud noise from the living room and then the old lady shouted " RUN!" , I used the wooden chair to brake the window glasses and I jumped to it lucky that the room was only in the first floor . I ran as fast as I can although I felt guilty because I left the o ld lady alone , but I know that they won't hurt her , they started chasing me I don't know where to go or what next I'll do .

I went into a forest , it was too late and it was very dark and I was too tired to run so I rested behind a tree .But I made sure that they would never see me again , I woke up by the sunlight that illuminated to my face, I stretched a bit and started to walk . Oh good I'm lost again ,then suddenly I saw a white hat man so I hid " patient AAB we're not going to harm you , do not prolong this that's not good ". That's the tattto in my right arm , I'm so confused I want to know more about myself but I don't think its a good idea to go back where i came from , why are they chasing me sigh . I was shocked when I felt someone point a gun at my back "don't move" I was shocked when I felt a gun pointed behind me "do not move" I tried to snatch the gun of the man wearing a white hat and I was surprised by what happened next. I saw my body unconscious and lying on the ground , Im in someone else's body --- how could that be ?! but wait someone is calling to the man's phone so I answered the call " have you found him ? don't let subject AAB escape again , bring him to me .The higher-ups are eager to see the result of the experiment" the phone was ended .What experiment ?! is that the reason why Im in someone else's body . I carried myself ,literally and then suddenly I went back to my own body and so the white hat man. I touched him again and I again I was inside his body , that's it ! I could posse's someone's body ! but where is he ? the white hat man left hands pull out the tranquilizer in his coat , whoa ! that's not me okay I guess he is also here . He pointed the tranquilizer and I touched my body to get back as he injected the needle in himself and fell asleep . I touched him to possess his body , I drag my body to behind the big Tree pulling it's shirt , I've got an Idea , I searched for the other men's that seems working with them and then finally I found them . " He escaped sir " I didn't speak and just frowned pretending that I was mad "tch let's go back , lead the way" I hardly copy the voice of their leader . The four men's looked into each other ,oh no ! my heart felt so tight . I calmed myself and signaled to them that we need to go back, at last they lead the way I breath deeply as we walked through the van .

As we drive our way , the van suddenly screeched through the road and I bump my head, Vision turned all black and lost my consciousness . I heared some people around me while I'm asleep "the subject is gaining his conciousness " ," he's no use when he's awake , give him another shot of propofol ".
I stared at the letters tattooed into my right forearm. I had no memory how I had got it or why I was in a hospital gown or why I was floating at the edge of a muddy, river bank. I had absolutely no memory of who I was .

- sorry for grammatical mistakes 😷

© 𝓡𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓷

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