

Invisible Me
What would happen if you become invisible for one day? Write a poem imagining what you would do with such superpower

It 8am in the morning already,
I began to hurry,
I was extremely late for school.
just had a quick bath,
didn't even bother to talk to anyone at home.
Didn't even know what has happened.
30 mins past 8,
I arrived at the train station.
I saw a friend and called her she didn't answer!
I didn't think about it,
i believe i wasn't loud enough so she didn't hear me.
Some mins later,
I saw joan at the train station,
waiting impatiently for me.
I ran and stood beside her,
I touched her,
I noticed she didn't felt anything.
I called her. Joan!
I slapped her.
same nothing.
I became afraid,
I didn't know what to do.
To let her know i was close.

To my surprise,
She carried her phone and dailed my number,
It rang!
I picked,she still didn't know,
I thought i was dead at first,
and didn't know what to do.
I cried my eyes out like a child.

Joan boarded a train to school,
after the long wait.
She was so furious,
because we were damn late.
we went to school together,
she still didn't notice.
When we arrived,
I went straight to the HOD office,
To manipulate my score.
For our just concluded second semester exams.
He was there and didn't even notice,
I felt happy
That exams gave my sleepless night alot.

I went back to class,
feeling happy and sad at the same time.
Nobody to talk to!
I was frustrated,
Shouting my energy out
Still nothing.

I became dizzy,
slept off.
Woke up to Joan's call.
It doom to me,
It was just a nightmare.