

2020 - A Teacher
2020 - Whenever we remember this number, we will recall tradegy, misery, pandemic, crisis and all such similar words. The scene is not in a single country but in the entire world.
It has proven many things which we thought were not possible. Months together sitting at home and gazing the lonely streets. Respecting the essentials. Luxury was never a need, it's just a want. Discovering the hidden talents among us. We have the creative side and we can excel in that too. Doing all tasks by ourselves without any help from others. We felt blessed that atleast we have home, sufficient food to survive.
And most importantly who are the real heroes of the world. Doctors, policemen and all officials serving the nation during the time of crisis without fear and risking theirs lives. A great respect has rosen towards them. They ofcourse need a special mention.

Birds and animals are free and we are trapped. Biggest ironical situation ever. We always taught of capturing them behind the bars and now we are behind the doors.
It is important that we take care of their feelings too since they are also part of ecosystem and their extinction may lead to disturbance in chains.

"A year taught us what's important and what's not. It is giving the instructions to be followed to atleast now stop the disturbance created. "
Time is best teacher indeed.