

Story : Movie-Man.
Ever since his teenage years Rohit was an avid movie buff. Be it Kubrick, Speilberg, Coppola, Scorsese, David Lean, James Cameron, Terrance Mallick, Nolan, Kurosawa, Ray, Tarantino, The Wachowskis and many others; Rohit liked watching movies of almost all the great filmmakers. In fact, he had finished watching all the movies of all the above-mentioned directors, many of whose movies he had watched multiple times.

Everyone around Rohit called him ‘Movie-Man’. As he grew up, he expressed his interest to learn all the aspects of filmmaking multiple times to his lower-middle class parents and the rest of his family members. When asked why; Rohit would reply that he only wanted to tell stories and watch the great stories (from great filmmakers) for the rest of his life.

Yet from all the sides Rohit received only discouragements, contempts, and ridicules. Even his friends started mocking him for his odd choice of profession, which was way out of reach not only for him, but for his entire family.

After being discouraged from all sides a person eventually becomes dejected and starts questioning his own creativity; So Rohit gave up his dreams of becoming a filmmaker and joined the rest of the herd in their monotonous lives.

As the time went by his parents observed that Rohit's grades started falling, first in his school, and thereafter even in his college. Not only grades; Rohit stopped watching and appreciating movies entirely, which was his most favourite pastime. He stopped listening to songs and movie soundtracks.

Many years passed. Rohit fell into depression as he didn't like either his job, his studies, and movies. In short, he lost the taste of life. It became unbearable for Rohit's parents to see him in such a tragic condition.

Finally, his parents took him to a medical counsellor. After many sessions of conversations between him and the counsellor, his parents asked the counsellor about whether their son can be treated at all or not?

The counsellor gave only one piece of advice to their parents - “Let him do what he wants. Let him leave his studies and watch movies. Let him learn about how movies are made, how critics constructively criticise a movie, how screenplays are written, how soundtracks are created, and how movies are edited. Just let him be…!”

It was at this moment that Rohit's parents, the rest of his family, and his friends realised their mistake - We should pursue only what we truly love, without caring about anyone's opinions. If we don't pursue our creativity; we'd be (negatively) disillusioned from life itself.

© Kishan Trivedi

#cinema #artist #passion #hobby #creativity #ambition #storyteller