

Ashok didn't sleep that night. He calculated every single response she could give when he would tell it to her the next day. He repeated every single word he would tell her. He imagined every single thing that would happen once he finally expresses his feelings for her. It was just another night for the rest of the world. But for Ashok, it was the longest night he ever saw.

It seemed easy the previous night, but now it felt harder for Ashok. He didn't know butterflies would dance like crazy in his stomach. He didn't know his arms would go cold. He didn't know his legs would struggle to take each step. He didn't know he would forget every word he thought of telling her. But he had to do it. The more he delayed, the more it would hurt. With his heart hitting his chest hard and throat going dry like the desert, "Aditi", he called. Her hair danced through the air as she turned to face him. And then he told it to her...


Since that day Ashok turned into a different person. People started using the word "Introvert" to describe him. Ashok barely spoke to anyone. He sat silently in class and his grades started dropping. He started spending most of his time alone. He started to go to the restroom more often so that he could shed his tears in private. He stopped eating properly. He started losing weight. All of his nights were long now. Crying alone was common now. Getting depressed was common now.

He thought that night he had calculated every possible outcome after he expressed his feelings for her. But this seemed to be beyond that. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. A year passed and his condition only got worse. He became the person he never wanted to become. Until someone came into his life. Her name was Neha.

Ashok eventually started to look better. He again started spending time with his close friends. He started going to the gym. He started paying attention in class. His nights slowly became shorter. His days slowly became more interesting. He now had a smile on his face. Every time he met Neha, he was filled with an extra boost of happiness. She brought back his need to live.

As the semester ended and everyone was leaving the college forever, Ashok noticed Aditi approaching him for the last time in his life.
"Congrats on winning the best student award, Ashok", she said.
"Thanks, Aditi", he said.
"It's great to see you happy these days. Anyone new in your life?" She asked jokingly.
"Yes. There's somebody", Ashok replied with a smile. Without spending any more time with her, he walked away.

Ashok parked his bike and went into the tall 10-story building. He took the elevator to the 4th floor.
He sat in the waiting area until his name was announced. He then walked into a room where someone was waiting for him.
"Hello Ashok, how are you feeling today?" She asked.
"Much better. I have turned into a completely different person", he replied.
"Great! You need to continue taking the antidepressants and doing the exercises I told you"
"Thanks, Dr. Neha", Ashok said and walked outside with a smile.

© arpan