

Broken bits of me 96
How do I fight my fears
The dark deep impressions of all these years of life
How do I set myself free, erase those footprints from the paths I wish I hadn't taken?
I wish to be a child again with all the experiences till date, I wish to unlearn a lot that was said and done
I wish to just be me without any perceptions imprinted on my soul by the world around
I wish to be a clean slate ready to start afresh.
Alas! Life has no reboot or format button
What was to be, has been and what has to be, will be.
The only thing that can change anything is me, myself.
I can forgive and forget or replay and revenge...I can burn myself in fumes thinking of the things done to me and by me or I can learn from those and make the best out of it.

© Rashmita Dhungel 💕