

To our every problems, disagreements & ups and downs...

Our so called Modern Genz generation is ever ready to say "let's take a break" or practice detachment huhhh..

Really , do it really work this way??

Nahhh man,
It will just help u to run away from the problem or from the person.
& after few days, weeks & months u'll either forget about it or u'll leave them.

But the problem will still be alive between them
It will be layered with your dead feelings

Ahhh now lemme explain u the old school way
For us if it's worth fighting for

It's like -
Ohh come here & sit let's just talk it out & find a solution
Rather than running away from , let's just find a way out of it ,
Let's talk about the grudges we hold in our hurt that's trubling our way together.

LET'S JUST STICK TOGETHER with a stronger bond , let's work on us mutually.
© aasthachandra