

It's been 3 days since my lunch date
I hade with my neighbor and I still can't get over it,its like a god took me out,I can't stop thinking about the date,the way we vibed,and most importantly the way he stared at me.....too bad he left,but it was a good decision, because if he had stayed I couldn't have controlled myself.
'ring,ring'the doorbell rang.
"who is that" I shouted as I rushed to the door and when I opened it,I couldn't believe my eyes it was my fave Uncle, uncle fester.
"ahh uncle fester,what are you doing here" I asked
"thought I'd visit my fave niece"he said.
" am your only niece"I said as we both laughed.
"come in"I said.
"so what brings you here,and how did you find me"I asked.

"forget about that"he said.
"but what brings you here"I asked.
"my boss sent me on an errand and I came to carry out the task"he said.

"ring,ring",the doorbell rang again
"I'll be right back, lemme get the door"I said as I quickly rushed to the door.

*when I opened the door I saw the love of my life...Bryan.
"hey"he said.
"bi,ki,I mean Hi"I stammered.
"come in"I said.

*immediately he entered he saw my uncle chewing on the chicken leg I was saving,and then my Uncle met his gaze and they both stared at each other with eyes of murder like they wanted to kill each other.*

"am gonna go now,I have some important work to do"he said as he left immediately.

"what was that all about"I asked myself.

*suddenly I felt something sharp pierce through my skin and then I started feeling dizzy and I feel to the ground then my uncle came close to me and said."with time you will understand"he said as my closed in darkness .
© Lucky.E