

Septagon Love |ep4 | confession | @Fanficentral
You squint your eyes to look at the mirror in front of your bed, those same caramel hair and dark eyes. Last night still haunts you… in a good way

Suddenly, Mrs Chanyeol bursts through the door, you're shocked, but know that you've got to get used to this.
"Hurry, first day! Breakfast with the boys.. by 9:00" she announces, before swirling out of your room

WHAAAT, as if last night wasn't enough.. now its breakfast! You quickly dress up, wearing your sweatpants and Hoodie outfit, the straighten your hair. You're ready to go upstairs

"Hey Yoona!" Everyone says, looking excited.. and again- jin stares at you way too excessively.. but you ignore him!
"Hey guys,!" You chime out a reply you then go to the buffet, grab a bowl of diced watermelons and a milkshake
"Come sit here, Yoona!" Says Jimin as he pats a chair next to his and jungkooks, seeing its the only place.. you sit there

As you carefully slide a fork into the slice of fruit, than put it in your mouth, you feel a hand brush below you, and jugkook holds your hands under the table. Omgg you blush the daylights out of yourself.. jungkook gives you a gorgeous smile
"Whats all the blushing got to do with?" Namjoon asks with a dot of concern in his tone,
"Yep.. it was just- okay! Hate to break it but--"you say when, jungkook raises his hands which were still linked to yours

"Ahh kookie got a girlfriend" Hobi laughs as he declares, everyone except for jin laugh out at this
"He's usually shy around girls.. I'm surprised he asked you out!" Yoongi says with a smirk on his face
"Well.. we sneaked out yesterday! Not like THAT, just to go to Hemleys" You stammer out
"Hemleys! Hahaha "everyone roars into laughter
"Well thats the security office, and he just sneaked you out to propose" Tahyung says
You give Jungkook a GLARE

Atleast, the Golden maknae is dating you! Breakfast is over and you head to the wash, when Jin pops in
"Yoona, can I talk?"

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