

A Confused Mind
Hope Lives but Nowhere in the Sky!
Its in You! With You! For You!

You Pretend a Lot, than Living!

There's nothing Like people Don't have Any problems, they're conquering the Best, to Take it as, their Happiness.

You're complicated by None but Its You! the Girl Next door Of brilliant.

Why.? its Your question

Its a Kind of atmosphere You lived & Experienced through different People across The way you Traveled so Far.

You're like Searching for something round the Clock, Either your eyes Or mind Is not ready, To shut its Business. Can also say like, in-Secured or Fear like on your Inner-Conscious you Have.

You're brilliant by Academically and
In-terms Of knowledge but the Lacking part in You is Social-trusting and in How to manage Your thinking.

Its not Any big Deal to say Its impossible to Transform from Timid-to-Courageous. Just go through Your Conscious to Understand the world of Women, who Changed the their Era.

As I stated in My earlier Posts and always Says..."You're Your Strength" but Use it, To Find Success in Life, Not to Make harm, To others.

Rest is...You're Amazing...

© Gautam K Vasu #EasternMansoon