

Agony on that day!!!!
It was 20th November, 2019. Remember the day. There was chaos everywhere on that day.....people were unable to have a clear visibility. koalas were half burnt. Then the whole world came to know about the news "AUSTRALIAN BUSHFIRES". It is very easy to say that every year these forest fires are common and they are like passing clouds.
but still how many years does this earth has to bear the anthropogenic activities caused by humans. This devastating disaster is one of the proof for human's exploitative usage of resources.
Excessive release of heat due to thermal plants, fossil fuels combustion and a lot of activities are leading to changes in the atmospheric cycles. We ourselves have to take an oath for reducing the green house emissions. Use of solar power, electronic vehicles could better serve the purpose. This would inturn increase manufacturing sector capabilities and lead to a virtuous cycle also.
These are only a limited suggestions from my side.Extract thoughts from your minds and implement it to make the earth "as a castle of man, not a home of dangerous gases"