

The Darkness
I'm afraid this is it for me. That lost feeling engulfed me. Trying to hide my feelings of despair. Overwhelming feeling of being unwanted and unloved, back to overthinking. My mind is running 1,000 miles per hour, with everything that I hate about myself, from my image to whom I've become. Why do I have to be so broken, always picking up the pieces of myself, patching open wounds, and restitching old scars that have reopened? I'm never going to be enough for anyone with all my insecurities. No one will ever stay; I'm way too broken. At some point, everyone leaves. It's not that hard to see that I'm too broken. It becomes too much to deal with, even for me. My depression, anxiety, and all the abuse that stains who I once used to be. I hate who I am. Broken and useless. I don't even want to be who I am. Wishing I could toss who I've become and revive who I once used to be. I hate every broken part of myself; everyone I care about leaves and leaves me more in pieces. Someone, please just take All my broken parts are removed then or kill the new me cause she's slowly killing me anyway. Thought I was saved, but depression and anxiety hand grabbed me again and pushes and destroying happiness that I have. Finally, find my place and my other half, the love of my life and now I feel my depression has the upper hand, slowly destroying what happiness we share, leaving me feeling alone and cold, struggling to keep my head above water. Gasping for air, crying in pain alone. Afraid no one's hands coming to save me again......

*** To Be continued

© CookieSF