

When I First Saw You
You are just like a dream, that I want you for real.
You are just like a cotton candy, sweet and will disappeared.
You are just like an ice cream, delicious and easily to melt.
When I first saw you just because of your appearance,yes sweeet and humble.
You make my heart burst like a fireworks.
You made my heart stop beating like your the only one I see.
You let my heart beat so fast like I was having a race to win.
You made my heart drop like I was dead person in your arms.
You made me fall into a deep hole, and watching only onto you.
Your smile make me want to smile too.
Your soft voice make me want to talk to you.
You don't know me that I was behind you all the time, but you still look to someone else.
You steal my heart, I won't leave you until you know me. 💋