

A Reptile Indeed!

The cry was faint, but I heard loud and clear, as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source, and it was indeed horrifying to an extent, which in turn made me feel that I was crying, nevertheless, I tried mellowing down and walk straight, and witnessed an chimpanzee sitting down, and eventually the sound seemed to be significantly louder, and felt like a sob of regret. Suddenly, I witnessed myself in the form of a cobra, and was hissing irrepressibly, and undulating towards the chimpanzee, and in turn twirled him. It was barely a minute or two, wherin I encountered a human baby, who replaced the chimpanzee and in turn it was narrated in a manner, which manifested the fact that, we both were indeed ensouled from distinct mammals, and I saved the infants life from a sacrifice, which was wealth driven from his grandfather. We had been great counterparts, and that nexus was so great and unforgettable, that we indeed encountered each other in our next birth, in order to celebrate the fact that we were still alive for each other. Both, I and chimpanzee were snakes and infant humans in their past life. Henceforth, I was able to hear the cry loud, since it was me, who was crying during the process of an ensoulment into a snake, which was my past life indeed, and the monkey's cry was faint, while it was transitioning it into an infant human, who passed away, since the baby was not fortunate enough for the second time to be protected by me, and eventually the grandfather sacrificied him, nevertheless, I am back to my sepertine form, and he would be venomized indeed!

© Shirsendu Mukherjee!