

My first bad articleship experience
During my journey at Kumbhat and Co. I was very happy in the initial two months.After my exams of group 2 were over I returned to continue my articleship.One new lady called Lavanya and a new male called Sriram had joined.I as usual used to work and go home.Then trouble started.Lavanya gave me work.She told me to arrange some files from last 10 years.One senior told me he would never do such work.I got influenced and when I told my partner, he said no work is big or small,you will learn something or the other.He used to serve coffee during his days but nowadays that does not happen. My job was to discard duplicate documents, arrange the files in order.Each file might have let's say atleast 20 documents.And some years had more than one file.When I asked her doubts, she would dodge me and tell me to ask the office manager who had worked longest in that office.That lady had her own attitude.She would say why is she not guiding you.I used to get stuck between these two.Some documents had more than one copies, some copies were having original signatures, she told me to not discard them.., however sometimes she told me to discard...