

Linea from Eris (4) TAKEOFF
As the kitchen table filled up Linea's father began "so Linea there is a invisible bond between a anima hominum and a pet maem in this case you and Touri, The bond is literally like an invisible chain or rope which holds you two together. " As he stopped an awkward silence rose.
Linea broke the silence and said "so are you saying that I cannot go more than a few meters away from Touri!"she didn't wait for an answer and continued"That I... whatever.. what happens if it breaks, "

"Oh Linea you cant you can try now, you can't touch it "said her mother worried.
Linea tried and sure enough there was nothing there but thin air.
"Huh OK then how can I go in a bathroom alone or anywhere ...alone" Linea added In a small voice.
"Well we have a pretty small bathroom so mine just says outside while I go in the bathroom ...but you can just trust Touri "her father said.
this was a very weird topic to be talking about but Linea had to know.
"ok"she said.
and with that Linea took a pancake and went back to her room. She was kind of surprised and not that happy to know that she will never be alone again, but then never being alone is also a good thing.

"so Touri... what do you want to do"

"well it's your choice lin..ea "
Linea felt that she had hurt Touri's feelings as she had asked if she could break the bond between anima hominum and pet maem.
"Touri look iam sorry, I didn't meen it I just got a bit flustetarated to think I will never be alone again "Linea said truthfully.
"its fine Lin, let's go outside show me.. things "
"OKay let's go! "
Linea said excited not to have to get all emotional and started for the garden.
"okay Touri this is it "
Linea lived on a pretty deserted street but still you could see a occasional car hover past them.
"wow Lin it's such a beautiful place ..Ooh what's that! "squeaked Touri pointing at a frisbee on the grass. "it looks a bit like me dosnt it lin! "Touri added excitedly.
"I guess so, that is a frisbee you throw it and then it takes all kinds of patterns and it comes spiralling back to you. "Linea picked the Frisbee up, it was a normal frisbee bit with little hover pads on each end.
Linea threw it and sure enough the hoverpads whites, it took a shape of a flower and flew back to Linea's hand.
Kinda and Touri giggled and then Touri threw the Frisbee and it took the pattern of a butterfly. They played with the Frisbee for some time and then Linea said "Touri I have an idea what if I throw you as a frisbee "She stopped awkwardly .Linea knew that this was a stupid idea as she remembered the lesson about the invisible bonds but she couldn't stop herself saying it.
"Linea you know this is a bad idea....
.."squeaked Touri. But Linea knew that both of them wanted to do it.
"I will get very dizzy but it might be fun "whispered Touri. so Linea peeped across the door of the garden ,there was no one there. so She gave Touri a look that said"are you sure you want to do this ".Touri nodded. So Linea put Touri in her right hand and frisbee her!. As soon as Touri was launched Linea felt a great tug on her head and she was too with Touri blasted forwards!