

ghosts camping
a very years ago, I went camping, I got my camp all set up, to my fish line out in the water, there was an outhouse up there in the mountains, so I put a rock on my pole, I went up and used to outhouse, I heard something, I looked around, I didn't see nothing, so I started back down a path to my pole, a stick hit me in the back of the leg, I looked back and saw nothing,so I said whoever did that it want to do it again I'll do it back to them, so I no longer get hit by the stick, then I saw a shadow of something by the outhouse, so I walked up to it, I reached out to touch it, it felt like a tingling feeling, so I figured it was a spirit, so for the heck. of it, I asked her if I could see its eyes, hazel green eyes popped out in my face, I stood there trying to figure it out, I knew it was a ghost,so I figured I'd try to use a camera to take pictures, picture on my cover, has the picture of the ghost in it, as you will notice, it looks like it was taking a piss, as if ectopic me, so I just pack up and leave, the ghost fouled me, my brother-in-law give me a lift home, just as I was loading my bike and camping gear on his truck, we heard something jump up on his truck, so we just went ahead and figured it was nothing, when you drop me off at my house, we heard something jump off the truck onto my porch, my brother-in-law left from home, I thought I heard it go in my house, when I went in, I just showered up and went to bed, the next thing I got up it was gone, that was the end I've seen of it.