

A mystery.
In the whispers of the night, there's this aura that surrounds her...a kind of magic that draws you in like a moth to a flame....She moves through life with a grace that's both captivating and elusive....like a fleeting dream you can't quite hold onto.
Her laughter, it's like a melody that dances on the wind, echoing in the silence and filling the air with warmth.....Even though our paths may never cross, she remains this mystery I can't help but be drawn to, like a puzzle waiting to be solved.
But maybe that's the thing about her---she's not meant to be figured out, she's meant to be admired from afar....like a work of art that leaves you breathless.....And so I find myself caught in her web, mesmerized by the mystery of her existence.....forever searching for glimpses of her elusive beauty in the shadows.