

If you are staying home with your spouse, children or parents and siblings, this is a good time to spend time with them.
Learn them all over again. Help each other with the house chores and roles given to the other.
Now there are no longer excuses of how tired you are to help, especially for them at home the whole day. There will be no argument on who to provide in case that has been a problem.
Helping will help you appreciate the person that has been doing the specific chore or role.
You will understand them better by being in their place.
Then hopefully, we can get rid of the Gender-Based roles, fights, disagreements and arguments among us once we appreciate each other some more.

Give yourself time to bond. Now there is time for you without claiming too much work or school, or tiredness.
Do devotion together, eat meals together, talk about your lives, encourage each other, be curious about their work or school or other events, now that they have time to talk about it and not just give the “It-was-fine-rubbing-you-off-my-shoulders” type of short answers.
Take time to cultivate family bonds and relationships.
Family hangouts should not be limited to malls and eating out.
Find games that can be played at home. There are numerous of them online.

Put Social Media away, put the gadgets away and pay attention to your people.
Make sure by the time this is over, you love your spouse, parents, children, siblings deeper than you did.
Don’t start seeing how annoying your children can get or how your spouse, siblings and parents can be all up in your space.
Find the goodness in being around them as often as you are now.
I pray that when all this is over, we can have people looking forward to getting home early to their loved ones.
Making sure that work, and vain things will not replace the importance of family in our lives.

For them that may not have the opportunity to be physically with family and people we love and care about, technology has come to bridge a lot of gaps. You are at home, take advantage to get those relations deeper.

It is good to note that a strong Family Unit results into a strong Church Unit and in turn, a strong Nation.
The devil knows that and he is doing all he can to divide the Family Units.
Start fighting him from your homes deliberately and the Nations will stand strong.
Wondering what you can do for your Nation? There you have it!

The year can make us wanting to send us packing our bags out of our routines and lives.
It is tiring doing the same thing day in and out all year round.
You remember that holiday that you wanted to last longer? Here it is.
Rest as much as you need to, take those afternoon naps you had so missed.
It is okay to take some time away from what you do.
I know it’s hard.
Take some time off because this will be over sooner than you know it and you will be back to desiring these days you were at home.
Utilize them, do what you wanted to do if you got some rest. I mean only that which would have a positive effect on you and the society.
Rest without feeling guilty.
Don't let the pressure that was at work follow you at home.
Enjoy this time doing life changing things for yourself and those you love, without feeling like a disappointment.

There are them that may not have fathomed the times we are in and are more stressed than ever.
If you are one of them, don't give in to the pressure of “You lacked discipline and that's why…"
Take time to understand and accept what is happening, take that rest then pick yourself up and find the good.

If you are in your folks’ house and they are keeping you busy, please take it with love. They are preparing you for the life ahead.
I thank GOD that ours kept us busy and that has kept us going in this life.

That’s about it…
These are good lessons that we can carry on even outside the quarantine.
I am also certain that there are so many other good lessons for us in this season depending on what space we are in.
I found time to Blog… Something I had planned to start much later, when ready…It’s laughable.
Read about this in my previous Blog, “Disobedience Incognito.”

In all situations, find the good.
Being human, we have the tendency of seeing the bad only and sometimes overthinking it.
We can complain much about our circumstances and fail to see the goodness that GOD brought a certain season with.
I pray that GOD will help us find reasons to always Praise even at our worst.
I pray that our minds will always be tuned to seeing the positives even in the worst of negatives.
Someone once said that even the sourest of lemons still made lemonade.
I pray that we shall always be in search of something bigger and better, always Finding The Good Lesson.

More Grace, Love and Light,
Lydia Ndwiga.