

The Night Of Day

May 2nd, 2023...
It was a normal day, a day no one thought it could happen...

She was only 9 years old, a child.
The school had failed to protect the children.
If only I had the time to be with her...

It would have never happened.
If only I was there.
I am so sorry.

Daddy is so sorry.

May 1st, 2023...
The time it happened: 11:21 a.m.
How could they not see this coming? How could they...

I will sue them all.
They will know how it feels—what they did to my princess.
I have already lost my wife, and now I’ve lost the only thing she had left—our daughter.

Everything I once had is now gone.
Everything is falling apart.
Oh God, help me.
Just this once, help me.

I failed as a father.
I failed to protect, to save my daughter.

Oh my darling Lora,
I failed to be a good father.
I broke our promise.

What kind of father can be a good one when he can’t even help himself...


chapter 1
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