

Tight Corners
The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse. "Oh that thing? Let me show you my gun up close and personal sonny." She picked up the gun and fired it right in his face. The man let out a loud terrified scream as he was hit. then he realized he wasn't hit by a bullet but by a liquid. it smelled familiar. the old woman put the gun in her mouth and started squeezing the trigger. it was only vodka in a water pistol. the man was still shaken up a bit so the woman handed him the gun to calm his nerves. he started squirting the vodka in his mouth. "I always carry that with me for medicinal purposes you see". the man didn't know what to say. "I'm Eric" was all he could muster up. "Lisa. nice to meet you." "Well Eric, would you like to go for a drive?". Eric hadn't noticed her car. It was the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile that is in parades and grand openings. "Wow, I would love to drive in your Weiner" Eric said. So they both mounted the Weiner and started to roll. They headed up the country road on those crazy tight turns. "There's a puppy farm right around the bend. You can get a glimpse if you look." Eric leaned out his window to see. Lisa noticed what tight buns Eric had. She wasn't watching the road and lost control of the Weinermobile. it tipped over. Eric was killed instantly. Lisa had a heart attack due to clogged arteries and the commotion. The fire department finally showed up. Yep. both dead. "Do you guys think there is a Weiner or two in the back?". "I don't know but we can check." The 2 men climbed into the back and found their weiners. Because the way the mobile landed, they had to really tug on those weiners. Finally they pulled them out. "It's not everyday you find free weiners." "Nope".
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