

A touch of heaven

I have experienced a touch of heaven here on earth...As I glimpsed at the birds one beautiful summer morning..I became so extremely filled with extreme joy..Birds of different colour surrounded my home as they often do every single morning..

Jesus loves me so much to send beautiful birds to camp around my home...He loves the entire world that's why He was born. so we can have eternal life.

So may we look at the beauty of our surroundings Did you know Gods speaks to us in different ways. .through nature ...through people.

So in my life Iv listened carefully to Gods voice..like when I was in the process writing a book..I was encouraged by family and a doctor to pursue my dreams..

I also feel a touch of heaven. .as I love going to the beach. I admire Gods creation. I ask myself who else besides God can create such a perfect masterpiece.

Gods perfection in the creation of all things marvel me. Nothing compares to the beauty of admiring Gods creation.

I experienced a touch of heaven...here on earth...once again. May you also experience a heavenly paradise here on earth ..the way I have.