

Read My Feelings!!!

I still remember once my writer friend from this app changed her username from "The Helzashine" to "I Hate Humans". For some reasons, definitely that was not silly but heartbreaking. Won't Discuss. At that time, I laughed. Because I found this Childish, cute, funny and what not.

But now, if somebody will ask me, "Do you wanna say something??"

I'll say, "I HATE HUMANS"

Since always or in my most of the write-ups of this and previous account, I always mentioned... I never use the word "Hate" for anybody.... for another many reasons... but now my heart is screaming this loudly 👉I "HATE" Humans.

Discussing about the people or their deeds or words which hurts me the most is not the solution or any cure of this heartbreaking feeling. So, definitely I won't.

Also, I don't like discussing anything about past with anybody... though I share here most of the things. but still not everything. 😊

Sometimes I curse myself why I m human?? 😓
Humans are really not good...
specially type of people I met...
know what... still I talk kindly with them 😊👈 like this.

My elder brother,
He always encouraged others with a tagline in his most of the or every posts -

Just lil bit changes and I say -
"Should never die"
I repeat - "Hope should never die" 😊

Never be hopeless specially when you are helpless.

Your helplessness will only bring the power or courage or potential in you to bring the changes in this world, the way you want.

😂 😂 😂 Funny fact -

When you are hopeless or helpless you act lil bit lazy, you don't know what to do? what to say? On which people so called "Humans" give their personal response. More clearly negative response 😆

They can't leave you alone even for a second just when you need peace. 😊
They love you soooo much 😄💗
in a negative way. 😆

In every stage or step of your life humans will judge you...
yeah in a negative way 😂 Mostly.
know what!! 😃
Let them judge you.
because that shows,
they are giving so much attention to your eveny work or act or words 😊 EVERYTHING
and Attention is something what we need the most. Always.

Okay, 😃
I noticed this point while typing this,
Humans are not speaking only from their mouth 😃
mouth is just a natural gift got from god to speak not to insult or hurt anybody. 😊

Now also but more in ancient times, Humans talk through their eyes too 😆 you know eye contact... and nowadays big speech just from eyes 😂

In 21st century, They also talk through their mobile, laptop, computer, and tablet using various social media apps 😂
common... hifi humans 😄

Also in public places, Secret signs 😶
You all got that point!! right? 😅
hope so,
Now m bored... need to listen songs 😊 to change my current mood... by the way thanks for reading this.. if you did...

© Greedy_for_Love

#Ace 😉 🌹