

GOG#5 Even Athena can go NUTS part1

Hope you enjoy it.


"Where did she go?" George asked.


They heard a female- like voice.

"There!" Sam signed towards the vases.

They reached the vases and opened them one by one, in the first was very stinky water , next came foul-looking rice.

Next was a very heavy vase , they opened it and were shocked to see a girl of approximately one year younger than them , wearing a denim jacket , white inner, and black jeans , fair in colour with a little dirt on her nose ,lying unconscious in the vase .

They moved her to the ground and Angelina tried to wake her up , while George and Sam continued searching the rest of the vases.

Positively, they found two boys , of the same age , one wearing a red angry birds t-shirt on black trousers and the other was wearing a star wars hoody on blue jeans.

After about half an hour , they were able to wake the three children up. The boy with Angry Birds t-shirt was Boger Brown , the Star Wars one was Mark Angelton and the girl was Andi Drewn.

They too were ordered by Zeus to find Hera , but were caught by Polyphemus.

"Let's get back to Olympus , there should be something to be done about Hera." Andi said when they were done exchanging their stories.

They touched the mark🎗️and all six of them were sucked into the void / sudden blackness.

On the other side, there was again , the beautiful palace of Olympus. They walked through the garden and reached the hall where now sat only four gods , Posiedon , Zeus , Athena and one another god who wore a golden helmet with red fur in between , a white tunic and a special type of shoes which had wings, like that of a bird's.

Everyone, was in bad temper and the god with winged shoes was almost on the edge of burying his head in the ground out of shame.

" Such an irresponsibility shall not be tolerated next time , Hermes. I am warning you the last time , if this happens ever again , your powers will be taken away." Zeus said angrily.

"Father !, I tried my best to not let the Arcaneis take the statue but while I was trying to keep the girl from coughing , Nemesis attacked me and I had to leave the place." Hermes defended.

"If these minor gods are overpowering you , my brother , then it is better we give them your place." Athena said fiercely.

"This is shameful , you have ruined everything , do you even know what will happen because of your mistake. The whole Olympus will fall because of you." Posiedon scolded.

"Here they come! " Zeus said pointing the six of them.

"Sorry , Zeus but Hera vanished from place while we were fighting Polyphemus." George said.

"O! children it's not your fault , Hera is very good in escaping . Now , you are six , Athena has a special task for you to do. "

"See, children , Today , my useless brother , Hermes was sent to protect my statue at Parthenon in Athens , from the soldiers of Arcane, my arch-enemy . They have stolen the statue of Athena Parthenos. We are sure that they have hidden it somewhere under the original house of Arcane near the Tiber river. "

"Your Job is to go there and return the statue to Parthenon. Remember children , the statue is the main source of my powers and it has it's own abilities."

"Ok, so this is our fifth task. Oh! There are seven more." Boger said making a pig-like pout.

"But not now , first you take rest." Posiedon said in a gentle tone but his was still in anger-mode.

He snapped his fingers and they all were sucked in and released from the void. It all happened in a millisecond.

They landed in the lobby of Aurilus inn, now where they had six rooms for each of them.

In morning , a letter came for them with golden borders . In it was a glowing sign ⚛️.

They all touched it after all of them were ready and were sucked into the void.

They landed on one another , first George then Boger, Mark , Sam , Andi and on top of them fell Angel. After about fifteen minutes, George recovered and they had time to give their attention to the surroundings .

The place where they came was the top of a cliff , at about two hundred metres depth , was a river , which could be compared to a line made by ink pen on a fair page. The ground was covered with an inch high grass.

Grasshoppers jumped here and there. Tall trees were gathered over a distance. Dark figures of mountains could be seen on the opposite side.

"Now where we go ?" Andi asked.

"Let's go with the river , I think this is the Tiber." Sam replied.

"Ok, but in which direction this, towards the trees or this, towards the mountains."

"See!" Boger exclaimed. He was showing blue arrows , but they pointed two different sides. One towards mountains and one towards trees.

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"We will need to divide in trio's Mark , Sam and Angel you go left." George said. "I , Andi and Boger will go right . We will try meet at our destination timely and securely."

They all readied and started moving respectively. It was noon by now.

The first group with Mark , Sam and Angel went towards the trees while the second group with George , Andi and Boger went towards the mountains after badeing goodbyes.
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On coming closer to the trees they found that there was no way around the group of trees, hence , they had to enter the place directly. As they penetrated the trees it seemed like it was a vast forest.

They walked and walked for about an hour when ,


sounds came to them. Mark stopped quickly and Sam and Angel followed the same. Something went past in the shadows very quickly .

Mark pulled out his Sword but suddenly a rope trap fell on them and they were stuck. Mark's Sword flew through the air and fell a metre away.

Then the most unexpected thing happened, three big acromantulas reached them and with the help of their extra legs, quickly bounded the trio. Then they carried them out of the trees and walked very fast , towards a place over a distance.

By then the cliffs had turned into river banks and the fast flowing Tiber could be seen. They took them to a big hole in the courtyard of the ruined cottage , they were taken to. Then they threw the children one-by-one in the hole and then followed in themselves.

To be continued in part2....
© All rights reserved. This work should not be copied or used in part or whole. This creation is a hardwork of the author Parv Jain and henceforth pirating is an offensive and shameful stunt. The copyright of this work rests with PlayLEGENDARY publishing and author Parv Jain.
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