

Skip and Milton are out of this world (part 2)
On the run

Empty pickle jars litter the apartment. Milton and skip lay on the sofa fully satisfied with their gluttony. Skips stomach stretches over his belt line. "Something about pickled eggs is just so delightful, what a treat" Milton smirks looking over at Skip as he is half way in a coma. " Milton, you aren't real. You are just a figment of my imagination stemming from my hyperextended anxiety. Dr. Kru sa-" Milton stands up in frustration. "Dr. Kru? Dr. Kru? The man is shaped like a a potato, he is nothing but a quack." Skip stumbles to his feet and tosses an empty pickle jar at Milton. " You are an orangutan wearing a black suit that doesn't fit and sneakers, that shows up and eats all my pickled eggs. You are not real I am just losing my mind and you are a coping mechanism" " Skip, I just caught this jar. This very real jar, your cat just jumped inside of your worm on a stick guy and climed out of his mouth. I hate to break it to you but this is all real and your doctor is trash."

Three knocks at the door echo through the apartment. Skip peeps out of the window and sees two men in black suits with matching black hats and glasses standing on the stoop. " I think its the cops. They are probably wanting to ask questions about Mr Wan. I'm so screwed" Skip starts to panic. "Why? You didn't do anything the cat did it" "Mr sprinkles is a good kitty he's just confused!" Milton pulls the curtain back and his lips start to tighten."Um buddy, those cops aren't looking for you and probably don't care about Mr. Wan" "What are you talking about?" " listen just answer the door and don't act like your normal anxiety riddled self and just answer their questions. Whatever you do don't tell them anything about a suit wearing orangutan." Skip looks at the door "Milton you got to give me more information than that" Skip looks back toward Milton only to see an empty room with jars on the floor.

The men knock on the door again and Skip finally cracks open the...