

How to overcome the fear of unveiling your feelings to a girl you love!

To start with, you're not alone. It's a common sour grape almost every guy has tasted (including me LOL). Also, I've got good news for you…

Fear is the evidence of True Love and if you've got that, you're good to go. You don't remove fear, instead, you master it. If you've seen a girl you love, it's normal to be nervous at prima facie (first sight) but if you must get her, you've got to learn to master two types of fears:

One, the fear of expression in unveiling your feelings to her and two, the fear of rejection having expressed your feelings.

Here is how you master these fears…

Approach her (like always: don't make it too traditional) and in a nice way air your feelings (in the best language you can: try not to fake anything and let her love you for who you are) expecting a Capital NO! Believe it or not but when you go with this mindset, it somehow reduces tension.

(Note: She'll either give you a straight answer or opt to think about it. Let's say she gives you a straight answer.)

It makes you courageous knowing that even if she says "No!" you won't be surprised because you were actually expecting to hear that and by extension you could even reply with "was expecting that" immediately she says "No!"

First, she will laugh and perhaps end the conversation and walk away but while you think it's over, it's never over on her side because she did go home and keep thinking about that conversation just for the fact that you made her laugh (Hint: ladies likes funny dudes) with how you responded to her "No!"

With such a memorable first attempt, you might get her to reconsider your proposal perhaps the next time you decide to try again.

And with this I want to add that getting just a rejection or two ain't enough to quit. Sometimes, depending on the nature of the lady in question, you might need to persist like maybe thrice and probably get a YES the third or fourth time...

© Joshgenius