

A letter to a friend
It’s so sad to me how you allow others to influence how you think.
You allow your peers to make you think you’re something that you’re not.
Someone tells you that you’re gay so you think you are.

You’re so incapable of thinking for yourself that you’re held to the opinion of others.
Who’s the master and who’s the slave?
You’re a slave to someone else if you allow them to dictate who you are.
You’re a slave to imperfection and you’re a slave unto yourself.

A lazy person goes with the flow and accepts what’s acceptable to the masses.
Don’t be ignorant and believe everything you hear.

It’s like those people who sit in a church and believe everything the pastor says without even opening the Bible. And then turn around and get mad when you show them a scripture the pastor quoted that states the complete opposite of what he said. Is it ignorance or just laziness? I would venture to say the latter. Failing to look into things for yourself just makes you foolish not open minded.

Think for yourself and stop filling your head with garbage from main stream media.
Fight the urge to just accept the unaccepted.
Stand up for yourself and reason within yourself without the influence of everyone else around you.
If you feel a certain way, you have to ask yourself why? Who influenced you to think that way? Another imperfect human being?
Was it something someone told you? Was it something that you read? Was it something that you saw?

I met a kid who said he was born gay and he was happy to be that way….so I asked him if he always felt that way and he said yes, I asked him about his upbringing. Come to find out, His parents were gay and dressed him up in dresses and gave him Barbies to play with growing up.

Do you see the problem? You grew up in an environment you were conditioned to believe. You’re mad at me because I’m straight and keep it simple. I don’t need a book or a tube video to define me and tell me that I’m a guy.
All I have to do is look down and see that I’m a man.

I feel bad for you. But it doesn’t mean you can’t change. All I’m saying is identify where these thoughts and feelings are coming from. You will find you were influenced by someone else. You’re having a hard time discovering who you are and you’re confused about life in general.

You’re depressed and discouraged because you don’t know who you are. You feel this way because you’re fighting against what’s natural. Pronouns will never make you happy and you will always feel unfulfilled.

Two dudes can’t give birth to a child. It’s not the way you were created. Only a man and a woman can have a child.
Don’t complicate simplicity.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨