

Night Terror
**Bear in mind, I had this dream about a month or two before the first supposed case of Covid-19 was reported in China.**

In the heart of an oppressively cramped hospital, where each room cradles a dozen patients atop bunk beds, I find myself perched on the highest bunk, gazing out a window. The night, cloaked in darkness, holds a deceptive tranquility, yet an unsettling aura hangs in the air. My gaze is drawn to the window's edge, revealing how the hospital sat atop a perilous plateau, leading to a vast, moonlit lake far below.
Within this claustrophobic space, doctors move in a somber routine, attending to patients with methodical precision. Yet, beneath their veneer of care, a sinister undertone lurks. Patients receive injections, only to succumb to violent illness moments later, their bodies swiftly removed by the silent attendants.
A sense of dread grips me as I observe this macabre ritual repeat itself, each victim a pawn in a chilling scheme. Beside me, a fair-haired girl shares my mounting horror, her panic mirroring my own. When the needle is inevitably offered, she resists fiercely before relenting, subdued by its venomous contents.
As the last remaining target, I brace for the inevitable, my heart pounding in fearful anticipation. Suddenly, a piercing alarm shatters the oppressive silence, signaling chaos. Red lights pulse in time with my frantic heartbeat as the medical staff scatter, leaving us alone in the room.
My gaze locks with the girl's grotesque transformation unfolding before my eyes, as her delicate form contorted and twisted into a monstrous being. Slime oozed from its sickly green skin, corroding the air with its acidic stench. Its elongated body, adorned with a wickedly hooked tail and razor-sharp talons, exuded an aura of primal terror.
Through a sinister connection, it spoke to me without words, its thoughts piercing my mind like daggers. Images flashed before me, revealing the insidious machinations of its kind. Every hospital, a clandestine stronghold harboring jars teeming with embryonic horrors, waiting to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.
In a disturbing revelation, I learned of the unholy symbiosis between these alien parasites and their human hosts. Many among the hospital staff, mere puppets dancing to the parasites' malevolent tune, safeguarded the unholy progeny, biding their time until the fateful hour of release.
With a chilling calmness, the creature explained the sinister logic behind their choice of sanctuary. Hospitals, bustling hubs of human activity, served as perfect conduits for their dark designs, ensuring swift and widespread dissemination of their progeny, infecting the very fabric of humanity in mere minutes.
I found myself trapped in a silent prison of fear, robbed of the ability to utter a single word. As the creature's claws went through my flesh time and again, I could only endure the agony in helpless silence. With each brutal assault, my body was torn apart, yet I found no solace in death’s fleeting embrace. Instead, I was condemned to a ceaseless cycle of torment, a relentless descent into darkness that seemed to stretch on for eternity.
Until I awaken in the same room with a glimmer of hope as I see I am alone. I hop off the bunk, making my escape with grim determination. I navigate the blood-stained corridors, seeing how it all unfolded just as the creature had shown me. Once I make it to the main entrance, I am confronted with the grim reality that awaits beyond the hospital's walls.
Outside, chaos reigns as the world is plunged into a maelstrom of destruction. Humanity's desperate struggle against the encroaching darkness unfolds in a frenzied tableau of violence and despair. I watched many die in horrible ways. I also saw humans being killed by other humans who would later morph into one of these creatures like the girl from my room. These humans had been under the possession of these creatures through their long tails that penetrated their human host through the ass gaining complete control of it.
However, amidst the carnage, a divine intervention emerges, as angelic beings wage a desperate battle against the encroaching tide of darkness. The military was being guided by twelve super soldiers that looked like 7-8 foot transformers with angel wings. A voice told me they were archangels and responsible for capturing and controlling these things.
They would do this by penetrating the creatures with their genitalia like they did to humans. I learned that there were twelve types of creatures as well, each named after the star system they came from (Orion, Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturian, Pleiades, etc.) and each type was to be stopped by an assigned super soldier angel.
During this night of pandemonium, these angelic beings never seemed to have anything under control, and after bearing witness to an archangel becoming penetrated by one of these creatures, I took off running.
Haunted by visions of impending doom, I flee toward the lake's edge, where the moon's eerie glow casts a pall over the tumultuous waters. Reality blurs as a titanic creature rises from the depths, and I wake up gasping for breath, the echoes of my nightmare still playing in my head.

**This was one of the craziest dreams I’ve ever had. I wrote down the main parts so I wouldn’t forget. After it had disturbed me for a day or two, I didn’t think of it again until the global pandemic hit. If this was something prophetic, I’m still not convinced of it just yet. The main alien creatures looked exactly like the alien newborn xenomorph from Alien: Resurrection and I was into the artist HR Giger at the time. Giger had designed the original xenomorph for those movies, and his biomechanical, demonic paintings are saturated with sexual imagery and these creatures that he was terrified by in his night terrors. Check him out…


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