

The Murderer chapter 1
In Nectar estate at Madonna's mansion, in the living room was there four inspectors with a wealthy old woman and another lady dressed shabbbily, with her looks someone could tell me that she's a maid to the wealthy woman.
The view was now clear and what the inspectors were inspecting could be seen, there was a pool of blood at the center of the sitting room beside the table in which blood sprinkle down from the edge.
The heading inspector turned to the shabbbily dressed Lady and asked"miss Amanda are you sure this was were you saw the corpse",
the lady was shaking with fear written all over her and replied'yes'.
The wealthy woman wipes away her tears and said as she turns to leave"No one has dare stepped my foot and gets away with it, inspector Jake you must get me my son's murderer, the murderer that kills my only son must not live long on this earth, I'll make his life miserable the way he did to mine".
The heading inspector nodded pledging his alleigance in getting the murderer to Mrs Carty Madonna.
Mrs Madonna goes to the ambulance and open the door and uncovers the corpse face which has now become blackish a little bit and caressed the face saying"my boy,..... Sammy Madonna's spirit must not rest until he takes with him his murderer."

by God's 💖.