

Wood cutter and farmerette
Short story by Biju.S

A father, mother and two children lived in a village. The elder was a girl and the younger was a boy. The boy's name was Giri and the girl's name was Sundari. The father Velayudhan was a woodcutter. The mother used to go to work in the fields. They lived in a hut on the road. Father and mother raised their children with great love. Even if they were hungry, they would give food to their children. Mother did not rest until she went to the field in the morning to sow the seeds and reap the big harvest. Porridge, rice and other favorite delicious food would be made for the boy and girl.

Velayudhan used to go to cut trees regularly. Both father and mother wanted their children to learn and grow up so that our children would not suffer like them. So after passing the 10th standard, both of them went to higher study.The boy wanted to study and become a doctor. The body, mind and all their hard work of those poor people were for those children. The money that saved was paid the fee to his son. She bought a book and a shirt and finally her son became a doctor. They worked long hours to pay the interest, compound interest and the money they bought. Become a doctor is not easy.They worked hard and hard to make his son a doctor.They felt pain in their whole body because of hardwork in field and continuous wood cutting.

Meanwhile, a sad and painful incident happened. The girl, Sundari, eloped with a policeman's son in college. The policeman forbade the Sundari to meet her poor father and mother who live in a hut and finally he sent his son and daughter-in-law abroad. They started living there. Sundari's husband also did not really love her father and mother.Sundari forced her husband to meet her parents .She wept bitterly.But then nothing happened. After Sundari left, the woodcutter and the farmerette Nalini were heart broken. How many sleepless nights?. That poor father and mother never dreamed that the daughter they raised and taught would never do this.The poor father and mother used to cry heartily at night thinking of Sundari.They gave everything for their children.But they want only one thing that expect from them.That is love and affection.Here Daughter Sundari cheated them severely.They were waiting for their daughter.But in vain.She did not come to meet her parents.Her husband did not like this.Becuse Sundari's parents were not rich and educated.They are low class people.It was the thought of Sundari's husband.

Years passed. Giri became a doctor. Worked in a hospital in the city. He was trying to preserve his dignity. His father and his mother who were skin and bones,now have no beauty.Giri has also changed a lot. The old father and mother became a problem for Giri. He didn't want to take them to the city. The father and mother who gave their whole life for their children, toiling day and night, broke their hearts again and again.They want only to meet their son..But son did not like it.Because they are old,no beauty and no facility.

The old parents could not walk well, yet the mother would crawl to the kitchen and make porridge and feed it to her husband.Finally, Giri's marriage is fixed with the daughter of the city collector. The bride works as an accountant in a bank. A week before the wedding, a person sent by the collector came to the roadside hut where the old couple lived. Thinking it was their son, the old man and the old woman came to the yard of the hut, but there was no son in the car. The collector's driver entered the hut and looked. Rain water was falling and leaking. Both people were taken in the car. Those bone columns thought that this driver was taking us to his son. But that car stopped in front of an orphanage.The old man and the old woman cried. Due to old age, the voice did not come out. Won't my daughter and son come to see us? It won't come. Son is getting married after a week, the driver said sadly.

It was the son who asked the collector to put his father and mother in an orphanage. The driver who knew this was crying while driving. Nalini and Velayudhan were lying next to each other in the orphanage at night and crying their hearts out.As birds fly away when they are old enough to fly, the two children who were raised with love left their father and mother and went far away. They gave up all their happiness and give happiness to their children. But the children of Kali Yuga take everything from their fathers and mothers and send them to orphanages. They hate to even look at them.

Fathers and mothers are our visible God on earth. They dedicate their body, mind and labor for their children. Good clothes, shelter, education and favorite food are given by fathers and mothers to their children. As years pass by, they become very weak who have lost their beauty. Most children hate their parents. They take everything they have and send them to an orphanage. These true stories are coming in the media everyday. They give up their comfort and give comfort to their children. Children turn fathers and mothers into a source of comfort. There are fathers and mothers in every corner of the world who cry to see their children in orphanage. The humble writer stops this writing lovingly.
