

Trying to sleep with all the beautiful memories of you
dont know what happen suddenly, i just woke up
I then saw someone trying to take you away from me
I was screaming but was complete silence. The one taking away was seem to be strong and was starring at me. I was unable to take the giant step for you. The silence was speaking more than my words but noone just help me.
I used my all strength to take you from that someone. SUDDENLY I just woke up.
Then I realized the someone was no other than my inner fear that's taking you away from me.
I have been so deeply fallen for you that my obsession has changed into possession.
And this is why my mind is occupied by the fear of losing you.
Is this fair??
Dont know but my insecurity for you is killing myself. So, I need to wake up earlier before it's too late.
© cosmo