

What's your favourite color?
As I sat coloring with Alina, a small girl from my neighborhood who has become a dear friend, I couldn't resist asking her about her favorite color. "Alina, what's your favorite color?" I inquired. Her response surprised me: "Rainbow color."

Curious, I probed further, asking her to clarify. "Isn't there one specific color you prefer?" I questioned. But Alina simply reiterated, "No, I love rainbow color." Her response lingered in my mind, prompting a cascade of questions.

Contemplating the notion of "rainbow color," I realized its complexity lies in its simplicity. Why limit ourselves to favoring just one color when life offers such a spectrum of experiences? Why is it always the vibrant yellows that seem to captivate our hearts as favorites? Shouldn't every color hold its own significance?

As the crayons glided across the paper, I couldn't help but ponder the deeper implications of our conversation. In choosing "rainbow color," was she urging us to embrace the richness of life in all its complexity?

As we colored, the colors blending and merging on the page, I came to realize that perhaps our relationship with color mirrors our relationship with life itself. Instead of confining ourselves to singular preferences, why not embrace the full spectrum of experiences? Just as every stroke adds depth to our artwork, every experience adds richness to the tapestry of our lives.

So, let us not merely settle for a single favorite amidst life's myriad colors. Let us embrace the diversity of experiences, recognizing that each hue contributes to the beauty of the whole. For in embracing the full spectrum of life, we discover the true richness of human existence.

© Sarah✨️