

Today we see the age of technology has come and this age is changing so fast that it seems as if time has changed in an instant time. But very important and all the people who are connected, we will talk about it today and discuss a little bit of such questions and understand about it.

Friends, today, if we want, Ma Baap gives technology to his children, because they have to keep up with the times, otherwise they don't ask for any price. In such a situation, Ma Baap gives many facilities to his children. Whether it is a mobile phone or a computer, it makes children so smart that what a person of 50 years cannot do, children of 6 or 7 years of age can do. It is good that our country needs to move forward on the path of progress.

But friends, we give everything to our children but we fail to control it in any way .What does our child do? How does What do you see? What he doesn't see, who he talks to, who he doesn't talk to. We do not misuse the technology that we have given and taken and we do not misuse it and we fall back on seeing all these things and as a result children go astray and their future is seriously harmed.

If we look at what kind of system has come out now that children know how to use technology but also know how to avoid it by abusing it and that is why nowadays father hides everything from his father somewhere and as a result This can have a serious impact on the lives of children. The father thinks that my child uses technology well and it is good for his future but you go back to knowing that the child is not abusing somewhere which can be detrimental to his future.

Let me tell you a few things in which you might learn more about this thing. The first thing that comes to mind is the mobile chat messages of the children .There are applications like Telegram, WhatsApp, etc. in which the children will say good things to their friends but sometimes they also go the way in which they say wrong things, And they fall prey to false messages and children are also clever. When my dad asks for a phone check, the first thing to do is to delete the words that block the number so that my dad doesn't know anything and he feels the same way. That my boy will make good use of it and move on in life.

And the other thing about mobile gaming is that kids in today's age are just as intoxicated with the game as if they don't understand. My child is studying in my father or phone or commuter but only the child knows what he is doing inside. Can't see the real thing. Now if kids are searching for different things on Google, one of them is the option of Google Delete Activity in which children are cheating with their parents by deleting their activity.

Sometimes even if the father does not have enough knowledge, he gives various things to the children. He wants my child to be happy, but because he does not have enough knowledge, he can control the use of the things given to the children. No, children take advantage of this and deceive their father and mother and father do not even know about this and the future of the children is very bad which is absolutely true. And for some reason, the opposite is also the case with some of my father's wishes.

If we look at it, fathers spend their lives making their children happy in life. But children make a big mistake in understanding this thing and they do not know the truth. Today we see how many children are using social media. They have different accounts and they use them. Now what is the situation? Let's ask the parents of the children, if you give the thing to your children, how much attention will be given to them, how will we get the answer as to where we are more educated? We know what English we know. We keep a check on all this.

And because of all these questions and conversations, children are free to play their own tricks and make a fool of their father and that is why children lose their future. That we don't know any of this but if it is with other boys then it should be with our boy and if another boy is using the thing then our boy should also be using that thing and because of such thing my father The boy believes everything and as a result has a very serious effect on the future of the children.

So now the question is what should be the solution so that we can be successful to some extent and have a good future for our children. You can control it and you have complete control over it and the children can use and use the item while they are in control. Is.

Don't give children something you don't know about, no matter what happens, and never give a thing in which we can't fully control the use of children and harm the future of children. And if we know If we allow such things to be used with such control, then children will definitely use it well and move forward on the good path of life.

And before giving the thing to the children any day, let them study the thing thoroughly and also the father himself study the thing and then in the use and misuse of the thing, the father should explain it to his children and keep the child under your supervision while controlling its use. Let me use it so that I can improve the life of children with me and keep an eye on every move of the child and go far in life and shine the name of your society, country and our India in the world and success in life too. Build a better future by gaining.
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