

I woke up today just to see that it was raining outside. It made me feel relaxed but not concentrated on what I should do. If I would have woke up with the sun bright and clear I would have blamed it about being hot. If I would have not woke up to my alarm I would have blamed myself.
See its just a tiny little thing and our bitchy mind will try million different ways to complain or make an excuse about the situation which makes us being unhappy and disatisfied with life.
Right now your mind is expecting you to get something great or something life changing or useful to you after reading this passage. This is the thing. It always wants and makes you unsatisfied and unhappy about where you are right now.
No matter what you acheive or whatever you get it wont stop asking and always unhappy and unsatisfied. Thats why many rich eventhough they have millions in the bank they still are not satisfied with life.
Just sit back and take a moment to be grateful that you are alive.There are almost 200 million sperm cells ejaculated while sex and it takes only one cell to fertilize a woman egg, which means that you were the only one among the 200 million cells that made it this far.
We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place would have greater writers than shakespeare, scientists greater than Einstein. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. So next time you feel like something is worrying the shit out of you, sit back , take a moment and be grateful.
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