

The boys
While I was standing out near my gate.I heared a voice calling my name.It was a human in a black Swift.He waved at me.I recognised him the moment I saw the car.It was my friend and his family.All together they waved at me saying goodbye.Its been months since I saw him.

All those good days came infront of my eyes.It was like watching a movie.Those laughters,late evening chit chats,lemon juices, Fighting to get the water first, Winning in Football, Ducked out in cricket, and so on.
Everything.I loved everything.That was the best part of my life.I recalled everything.I used to play shuttle with them.That Uncle had the costliest badminton racquet.
Holding it and playing was the greatest honour I've recieved in my life.We used to go to everyone's house calling them to play in another friend's house.He was the richest of us all.But money didn't matter.His house has a huge area to play with walls surrounding it.The perfect area to play football and cricket.We broke a lot of things.From light bulb to neighbours car window, everything.Nerf wars and Pokemon battles topped the list.We used to play hide and seek which everyone enjoyed a lot.
The rules were different and the boundaries were limitless.The most important part was we all were crazy.Everyone of us.We tried everything.We used to go cycling early in the morning driving away dogs escaping death and what not.We talked about the stories in school, reimagined everything,created stories,gave characters and so much
I'll give anything to go back to those days.
Now each and every one of us are busy setting up our lives.
"One day we played for the last time and no one knew".

© @broken_piece