

There was once a lady who kept a snake as a pet.
She fed it daily and cared for it as if it was a human child. She loved it deeply, it became her everything.
As time went by, she noticed that it had stopped eating each meal. And so she became very worried and decided to take it to the Veterinary.
The vet proceeded to asked her a few questions, like where did the snake sleep at night, did it have a cage etc.
The lady informed the vet that the snake did in fact have a cage, however she kept it next to her in bed each night.
Mostly cuddling closely, because she had it since it was born, it was her family and so she felt very safe with the snake.
She then became very emotional and expressed her concerns that her pet might die, because it wasn't eating. She informed the vet that she was very sad for the snake, and the fact that it was not well. And so she was prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure it's recovery.
The very startled vet tried his best to comfort her, and as she cried on his shoulders he said; "Ma'am, I'm very sorry to tell you this but your pet is not sick......he is not eating because he wants to eat you. Every night when you snuggled up to him, he's been sizing you up so he can eat you, once he's had enough room in his stomach to digest you".
After those words were said, the poor lady fainted!!
Similarly to this lady and the snake, there will be people in your lives, usually the ones you care about the most.
Yet they are full of nothing but bad intentions,
They will misused your trust, but hiding behind their smiles, you'll find only malicious motives.
But it's not always easy to recognised the snakes in your lives.....so pay close attention. 😉


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo