

An isolated girl
There was a girl named Ruhi. A lovely and ambitious child. She was second among her three siblings, but more matured than them. Ruhi's father was renowned teacher and mother too was a teacher. Father was little superstious and so was mother. Fathe Mr Ashish jain and wife Namita jain were not having any boy, though girls were far better than boys but, not satisfactory for parents.Parents never wanted to make them independent and top, but if their children could manage scholarship,then only they could send them for higher studies. However all of them were enjoying the life facing all ups and downs. The elder sister of Ruhi named Runi got top rank at NEET entrance and joined MBBS, as she got scholarship being top at entrance exams. The younger Rushi was more involved in fashion but was good at acedemics too. Ths spin of time passed, Ruhi too worked hard and managed to get at , top technology Institute at dehradun. She was very happy to get this, the scholarship earned by her make her more happy. Now the life of Ruhi started at hostel along with her friends, as she was a cool guy she managed many friends in little span of time. It was her dream to secure heighest marks, thus she worked hard, and was top in all her semester. while she was in third semester, she got a chance to go for campus interview for some top IT farm, unaware of what to face in future, she went to attend interview and of course was selected. Ruhi doesn't share this to her parents as she was knowing that, they aren't going to send her, for, job easily. Ruhi again started concentating at her studies as she has to get first to obtain scholarship at every semester.Suddenly one day some college feista was organized, she met Abhilash in feista, this guy was, same in nature as Ruhi, and they both became best friends. In the last semester of college annul day was oragaized , here also Ruhi didi well along with Abhilash. All the campus goes wishpered in the speculation of, relation between these two Ruhi and Abhilash. Ruhi was unaware of all these gossips, but she didn't know, it is Abhilash behind all these rumours. Abhilash wanted to disfame Ruhi, so that she could not manage to make scholarship. Ruhi was asked by vice chancellor of college to leave it immediately but, as she was a bright student she asked the college official, to allow her to take the final semester exams to be conducted within one month. However she was Resticated and not allowed to attend classes. Her life was hail, every day she was targeted for some alligations. She could cry to brim, and memories, her childhood incident, how her best friend Andu, also her per brother, alleged her of sex, at the age of eight, when she was in gr three. How no one stand with her, hiw she was not allowed to gi to school by her parents, how in such a tough time, she could study from home and managed her merit list. She remembered how by crushing the hurdles of destiny, she again rejoined school. She could managed to overcome shower of tear, but a gullible, blissful extrovert Ruhi was turned into an isolated introvert child. One thing that doesn't change was her enthusiasm and confidence. By memorising all moments, the face was bloomed with a big smile now. New dawn, new day, Ruhi's exams started, sh did well and was university topper. With time span, after cmpleting her degree she returned home. Convinced her parents for job, joined it moved abroad for, meeting better opportunity of jobs. she is now, a successful techie. All what she achieved are the results of her extra ordinary efforts.The impact of these two events in her life made her, not trust any opposite gender, so she never thought of marriage. She is eating nice salary sending to parents also. Now her parents are happy. Ruhi is happy to she has open ed NGo for support , help and development of girls. To looking after her NGO SHDG is extra time business. what has this girl done to these two nothing, only she was better than them, but they both Andu and Abhilash made her so isolated, internally that she finds tough to trust man now. Hope she may find a proper life partner in future.Now begins the New Era for her she is going to face new difficulties and reached the top of the peak.One day, while in the way to office Ruhi met, Arav a twenty years boy, who was poor, enough to bare his bread, which any one can guess after observing his outfit, and she is Ruhi a twenty three years girl, but far more matured which her circumstances made her. Though Ruhi had list all her faith for man, but her sense of humor compelled to trust over Arav, as Arav asked for job, she offered him NGO manager job. Arav is happy now and seriously doing his duty. As Ruhi was alone at her apartment, she offered, next house of apartment to Arav, now they both became friends, and get busy in performing their duties. As Arav was intelligent and hard working, soon the NGO reached to new height Ruhi is more impressed now. Finally her only dream was fulfill
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