

Excerpts from "The Gnome Wars" A novel by Richard C. Strong
The cock gnome was fast but Dick was faster. The thick barbed dark black head of the cock gnome scorch varient had barely touched Dicks left ass cheek when Dick activated his anal repulsion charge. The force of the small 1/3 pound tampon shaped directed charge was formidable. It was designed to be inserted in the rectum and forget. Once the sensor on the charge detected a cock gnome which was usually within 1 meter of its intended victim, the detonation and discharge of the weapon was instantaneous. A small gas charge propelled the charge out of the rectum at almost the speed of sound, hurling the intended victim forward violently while at the same time expelling a thermal plasma discharge of over 2000 centigrade in a fan shaped pattern but also in such a manner that the fan was thick. Nothing could withstand its destructive force. This unfortunate cock gnome proved to be no different as it was vaporized in a puff of acrid black smoke. Cock gnomes were one of the most feared gnomes in existence and with good reason. At just under 2 feet in height and with a thick armored shell covered with lethal barbs, they had phenomenal speed and dexterity. They have been known to reach almost supersonic speed prior to entering an unfortunate victims rectum or other orifice of opportunity. Once contact was made with the mucosal lining of a victim, it stopped immediately, laid open its barbs and began to slowly spin and cavatate. This has the effect of shedding the victim from the inside out. In the London campaign I had seen one go straight down the throat of a young female marine. Within ten seconds her neck has been completely shredded allowing her head to fall down to the cleft of her buttocks as if it were a meatball hanging from a mass of spaghetti. I shuddered to think what her final thought was as her head hung in front of her own ass crack, nose tucked neatly in her crotch. A particularly virulent and energetic cock gnome could devastate an entire company of soldiers in less than a minute. Moving from orifice to orrifice in a graceful delicate dance of death. There were various hybrids of the cock gnome., each with its own method of lethal attack, some with multiple methods. Cock penetration gnomes killed by sheer speed and blunt force. Cock gnome ejaculate variants would move slowly to target and were covered in a slick desensitizing agent which allowed undetected slow entrance into the orrifice, usually a vagina. Once fully inserted they could spew several types of lethal liquid agents into the vagina including caustics, poisons and parasitics. But the most feared cock gnome in existence by far was the scorch variant. It would impale its victims and inject barbs throughout the body. Once inside there was no way to disable it. It would slowly heat up over a matter of several hours to temperatures approaching 500 degrees Fahrenheit. This has the effect of essentially cooking the hapless victim from the inside out while allowing the brain and nerves to function sufficiently enough to let the victim experience there own roasting thoroughly.