

In the corners of your mind, there are smiles and memories that you cannot just leave behind, that you cannot just forget. Time is the biggest healer. But one memory which has not faded away from my mind and left deep scar was the unexpected death of my close friend.
Abhishek and I were childhood friends. I still remember when we came new to the apartment Abhishek family was staying there already. My mother and his mother became close friends. Slowly Abhishek started coming to my house to talk with me. My mother used to say me to be friendly with Abhishek as he was very good friend from heart. Slowly we become good friends. I joined the same school where Abhishek went. We both were in the same class and sitting near by each other. Our friendship knew no boundaries. During lunch time we shared out tiffin box. We played during the recess. We came home in the school van. We sat together and did home work. Studied for exams together. Such was our friendship that we cracked jokes together and we used to laugh and play together.
When it was vacation Abhishek used to go to his grandparents home. Even I use to visit my grandparents home. We both used to wait for the holidays to end and be happy together.
Years rolled by and we both completed our schooling and went to attend college. Abhishek and I scored good marks at the Twelve th exams. I wanted to take Engineering and Abhishek took Medicine. We both departed ways as our choice of Career was different. I graduated in Engineering and went abroad to do my MS.
While Abhishek completed his Medicine and went abroad to do MD in Surgery. We both communicated when we got time. But soon we were busy in our profession. As years rolled by I got job and got married. Abhishek completed his MD and started practicing. His news of getting married came to me as a pleasant surprise. But destiny had some other plans. On the day of his Engagement as he was driving his car to come for his Engagement suddenly a vehicle from opposite side dashed his car badly and his car caught fire and Abhishek got trapped inside the burning car. By the time people and Ambulance came he was charred to death. The police could recover only his charred body. This was a big shock for his parents and for me as I was his closest friend for years. Tears rolled in my eyes and I was not able to console his parents over Phone. All of a sudden I felt whole world crashing down as I was not able to digest Abhishek death suddenly. I didn't know what to do. I had a shirt given by Abhishek. I clinched the shirt tightly and wept louder. My wife came running thinking what had happened to me suddenly. She hugged me tightly and console me that whatever happened has happened and the loss of dearest friend can not be compensated.
I controlled myself and kept his shirt with me thinking that my dearest friend is still with me alive. Each and every day I see the shirt assuming that Abhishek has not gone anywhere leaving me alone. He is still with me. It is true that when someone close to your heart dies it is very difficult to erase their memories attached to you. It stays with you forever as long as you live.

. Miraa