

Septagon Love | ep1| Meeting them.. | @Fanficentral
Youre nervous as you walk in, a modern style building with Billboards of Korean idols and the words BIGHIT written on them, you grip your mauve folder and walk to the front which has two giant glass doors, and a few people working inside

As you walk closer to the building, a lady approaches you
"How may I help you?" She asks briskly, scanning you and your binder carefully, then suddenly shifting her eyes to yours, expecting an answer

"Oh.. yes. I'm Yoona SoEun, applying as a PD to BTS "You say briskly clutching the folder closer to you, the lady, who till now looked burly and gelid, smiles and says
"Everyone is looking forward to you, you're the first female PD for our boys" she said again
You can't help but smile and nod..

Then, you are led to a white door, which gives away to a rather proffesional room and Bang PD sat on the chair, looking forward to you
""Hello, I'm in a hurry so let me tell you, Mrs. Chanyeoul will take you to your room and then by 4 you will have a interaction with the boys.. you have 20 minutes before you meet them." He says, as he walks off in a hurry, you get you luggage and follow the lady to a suite
"Is..is this my room?" You ask out of awe
But she's gone and you are surprised.? But then you change your apparel and call your best friend, Sha
After a brief conversation, the alarm strikes 4:57 and you run out to the hallway, The lady comes back and accompanies you to a room with a blue door
"The boys are delighted to see you, very much.." she says as she unlocks the door and it gives away to a big room.. and BTS…
Jimin comes to the door, wearing a slimey smile, you blush..
"Hi Noona… welcome " jungkook calls from the end of the room, yoongi simply waves a hand and goes back to sleep, Jin stares at you but you try to concentrate on the others.
But then.. tae comes running and gives you a hug, a huge one. You are so surprised, and Hope joins in..
"Hey, take it slow tae!" Jungkook says from the corner
"Hi!" Joon and Hope say and jimin comes in with a smile and a hey, and seeing that he is grumpy you try to talk, but he notices you and says "hey I'm Jamin, the jamless"
Ughgh, so u take your blow
"Excuse meeee" you say and all of you laugh, except for jin, who stares at you
After half an hour of talking and laughing you tend to go back to your room when Jin says
"Hey! A question… umm.."
"Are you single?" All the boys echoe

© this is a pure work of fiction