

One promise. Chapter 1

"Promise a word that can make you happy, sad and broken at the same time"
One their was a boy who love a girl. That girl was in the bus they both were good friend.He love her secretly and didn't let her know at the first.As for time pass they become very very close friends.He always get chocolate for her because she love to eat chocolate when she is sad.After some time the girl found that that guy love her.She was happy .Then the guy know that the girl know that he love her but for sometimes he didn't told her from front that he love her very very much. They start to talk on social media. They were quite happy.She used to love to talk to him and he also love to talk to her .Two month pass their talk become less.Their were many thought going in the girl head "that what had happened that they didn't talk much like they used to talk before". After some time the boy call her and say" I think we should talk less from now".The girl reply "why what had happened?". The girl was shocked and at the same time worried. The boy reply" I will be going to outside for further studies".The girl was happy but at the same time sad.She didn't say anything longer and cut the call.The boy didn't call her back .Few days pass she become more sad .All the things she thought and dreams was that their will be one person that can understand her and can company her when she is sad ,happy. They both can share things to each other.Anyway at last the girl thought that all this only happened in dreams and no in real life. She become more sad.Afterwards on that evening the boy call "he ask her that can she promise him one thing " the girl say "yes tell"
will you wait for me to return and company you for your further life"the girl was very very Happy all her sad went away she said "yes I will wait for my whole life till you don't come back " they also sound happy ,but girl say "you will really keep your promise can company me in life" the boy says "yes I will". They both were Happy. Six years pass the girl waited but the boy didn't return. She was having faith that the person she love will keep her promise and will come back.
On the other day she has to attend a party with her friends.Mostly she don't Like to dressed up and put on make-up .But that day her friends force her to dress her up and do the make-up she looked gorgeous after dressing up.When she reached the party hall all her friends and all the boys were shocked to see her because she was look so pretty. One on her friend take her to meet her sister whose birthday party she was attending. When she reach their she was so shocked to see her friend sisters boyfriend. She was so shocked that barely some words come from her mouth. She was hurt,broken sad but she don't want her friends to worries about it and don't want to ruined the party. So she didn't say anything and get going to other tables with a glass full of Coke. After sometimes her friend call her name on mic and the spotlight were on her she was shocked her friends say she will sing a song on this wonderful evening. She told her friends that she don't want to but her friends really wnated her yo sing so no longer she can say no.She took the guitar and start to sing. All her friends that she loved to play guitar.That was the things she learned in past six years for the person she loved. Thinking that one day she will sing her favorite song for that person. Today in that party she sing her favorite song and also played the guitar with it.The other guys from her college was start to like her .But as she was singing her eye's cover in tears .She can barely can stop her tears and all the people in the party was so touched by the way she sang and played the guitar .At last they all clapped in happiness. She got up and Rush to washroom because she cannot stop her tears. The guy she love took the time and chase to her.She was crying and so heartbroken then also what the boy told breaked her totally from inside.

Continue in the next chapter.....
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