

It took me 24 years to realise that being cynical is not always the answer to any problem. The world is harsh enough, why not go easy on ourselves and hold on to a little....positivity.
Old habits die hard but it's worth a try.

It took me 24 years to realise that I've never taken my life, nor the people in it, seriously. That I've let go off too many opportunities and too many people.

It took me 24 years to finally have some regrets over my past impulsivity. And I realise that I've been wandering around like a wind-up toy with no proper destination, occasionally stopping when I hit a wall.

It took me 24 years to realise that everything I needed was within my arm's reach, and that I did everything the old proverbs warned me not to do. I was in constant pursuit of greener grass, I thought everything that glittered was gold. If there's a proverb on not trusting random people, I didn't heed that either.

It took me 24 years to finally realise that, without a little love for life, our very existence causes unimaginable pain. And the root of all my pain was my lack of will to live.

And it took me 24 years to realise that I was being an idiot!

For the first time in my life I feel like I grew up.
It might be a "quarter-life enlightenment" or it might just be the vaccine talking.

© 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖆