


Prince sat in silence, lost in his thoughts as he tried to make sense of the recent events and revelations. His mind wandered, filled with the same doubts and fears that had plagued him for years.

"You can't survive in this world if you can't communicate," he thought to himself. "You'll be a failure if you don't sharpen your communication skills. If you can't explain your feelings, you're useless."

The weight of his negative thoughts bore down on him. He had often found that these thoughts were more accurate than the positive ones. Even when he tried to stay motivated and avoid self-criticism, there were always people around to remind him of his perceived uselessness.

"Even if I try my best, something always happens to show me that I'm useless," he pondered. "In the real world, things don't go the way you want them to. The system dictates the outcome, sometimes in your favor and sometimes against you."

Year after year, Prince tried to improve himself, hoping to present a new personality whenever he went to a new place. But people quickly saw through him, recognizing his introverted, sensitive, and nervous nature. They didn't give him a chance to show anything different. When people tried to interact with him, he often ignored them or replied with a few words, sometimes wanting to open up but finding no one interested in him.

"I am also a human being like others," he thought. "I want to interact, to enjoy, to be part of social...