

A letter to my future
Dear future,
I don't know how to begin this with. I hope you will be ok with what I am going to be writing.
We still need to find out where we are heading to. Since I don't have an exact aim,the path might be herculean. Sometimes I might waver, sometimes I might go blank, sometimes I might verbally abuse you. Sometimes I might bawl my eyes out before you. Sometimes I might pacify you. But promise me you will still love me the same and you will not give upon me when such things might happen.
Because I haven't achieved anything since I was born. I haven't done anything for myself as well as for my parents. I have lived a life where I have been constantly introspected. I have lived a life where I have been consciously or unconsciously victimised to criticisms. I have lived a life where I have been scared of what people would think of me or my actions. I have lived a life where I have been scared of failures. And I have succumbed to fears by giving up many of my dreams. I don't want to get stuck in a loop .
I know nothing will change; neither the people nor the surroundings. This is like a vicious cycle But the least thing that you can hope for me is a change in my personality. I should be bold. I should be truly me. Not to be scared of judgements. Anyway Judgements are mandatory. No matter if you are virtuous or sinful. I can't ask you to be easy on my path or light my path with opportunities. Because it lies on both of us; mainly on me. Choosing a road demands patience, common sense, intellectual and atlast perseverance. I don't know if I do have all these listed things. I know you will definitely put me in hurdles. I won't blame you but at least fill me with a little hope to get back on my feet again.