

Deadly Embrace

I want to kill the ENTIRE transportation system. Well, figuratively not literally. I was a literal twenty minutes late for my first class. "What a fresh start, Altair." I was mumbling to myself while rushing to the main hallway. It was mid-September but the cold weather has started to return already in Burford. Crazy how there are only two and a half months of warm weather in here.

However in my motherland Oslo, Norway there is the start of the fall season. The temperature change is not drastic at all but it will still take time to adjust. In my father's words " You're a guy Altair, you can't have such silly problems". In the view of Anders Jensen, my father the only problem a person can have is either related to money or well, money only.

My father owns real estate in Oslo, which means we have a decent household with a reputation equal to the mayor at Vestfold where I reside.

As I walked towards the locker room, I could feel the cold tiles beneath my feet through my shoes. The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a harsh, sterile glow over everything in the hallway.

I made my way through the maze of narrow aisles, my eyes darting from one row of lockers to the next. Finally, I spotted my locker - number 309. As I began to spin the dial, I noticed that the locker next to mine was slightly ajar.

Intrigued, I pushed it open with one hand, my eyes scanning the contents. The locker was mostly empty, save for a small, framed photograph that lay face up on the shelf.

I picked it up and examined it closely, my fingers tracing the edges of the frame. The photo was of a teenage girl, her long hair flowing in the breeze, standing next to an older man. The man had a kind face, with crinkles around his eyes that suggested he smiled often. I guessed he was the girl's father.

The photo was a candid moment, captured perfectly on film. The girl looked happy and carefree like she didn't have a care in the world. The man looked proud like he was the luckiest person in the world to know her.

I stood there for a few moments, lost in thought. I wondered who they were and what their story was. The photo was so real and candid that I almost forgot I had a class to attend.

As I rushed to my class, I noticed that my teacher wasn't showing any signs of anger, which was a relief. She was of short stature, wore glasses at the tip of her nose, and had on a neat coat over a white blouse and a black skirt that came just above her ankles. I knew she was a perceptive teacher of Human Behaviour, but something seemed off about her that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It was as if she was lost in thought and not fully present in the classroom. Perhaps she was going through a tough time, and needed some support. I'll have to keep an eye out for her and see if there's anything I can do to help.